234 research outputs found

    Identification of members in the central and outer regions of galaxy clusters

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    The caustic technique measures the mass of galaxy clusters in both their virial and infall regions and, as a byproduct, yields the list of cluster galaxy members. Here we use 100 galaxy clusters with mass M200>=1E14 Msun/h extracted from a cosmological N-body simulation of a LambdaCDM universe to test the ability of the caustic technique to identify the cluster galaxy members. We identify the true three-dimensional members as the gravitationally bound galaxies. The caustic technique uses the caustic location in the redshift diagram to separate the cluster members from the interlopers. We apply the technique to mock catalogues containing 1000 galaxies in the field of view of 12 Mpc/h on a side at the cluster location. On average, this sample size roughly corresponds to 180 real galaxy members within 3r200, similar to recent redshift surveys of cluster regions. The caustic technique yields a completeness, the fraction of identified true members, fc=0.95 (+- 0.03) within 3r200. The contamination increases from fi=0.020 (+0.046;-0.015) at r200 to fi=0.08 (+0.11;-0.05) at 3r200. No other technique for the identification of the members of a galaxy cluster provides such large completeness and small contamination at these large radii. The caustic technique assumes spherical symmetry and the asphericity of the cluster is responsible for most of the spread of the completeness and the contamination. By applying the technique to an approximately spherical system obtained by stacking the individual clusters, the spreads decrease by at least a factor of two. We finally estimate the cluster mass within 3r200 after removing the interlopers: for individual clusters, the mass estimated with the virial theorem is unbiased and within 30 per cent of the actual mass; this spread decreases to less than 10 per cent for the spherically symmetric stacked cluster.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published on Ap

    Survival of Substructure within Dark Matter Haloes

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    Using high resolution cosmological N-body simulations, we investigate the survival of dark matter satellites falling into larger haloes. Satellites preserve their identity for some time after merging. We compute their loss of mass, energy and angular momentum as dynamical friction, tidal forces and collisions with other satellites dissolve them. We also analyse the evolution of their internal structure. Satellites with less than a few per cent the mass of the main halo may survive for several billion years, whereas larger satellites rapidly sink into the center of the main halo potential well and lose their identity. Penetrating encounters between satellites are frequent and may lead to significant mass loss and disruption. Only a minor fraction of cluster mass (10 per cent on average) is bound to substructure at most redshifts of interest. We discuss the application of these results to the survival and extent of dark matter haloes associated with cluster galaxies, and to interactions between galaxies in clusters. We find that 35-40 per cent of galaxy dark matter haloes are disrupted by the present time. The fraction of satellites undergoing close encounters is similar to the fraction of interacting or merging galaxies in clusters at moderate redshift.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 14 Postscript figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Postscript version also available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~bep

    An updated analysis of two classes of f(R) theories of gravity

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    The observed accelerated cosmic expansion can be a signature of fourth\,-\,order gravity theories, where the acceleration of the Universe is a consequence of departures from Einstein General Relativity, rather than the sign of the existence of a fluid with negative pressure. In the fourth\,-\,order gravity theories, the gravity Lagrangian is described by an analytic function f(R)f(R) of the scalar curvature RR subject to the demanding conditions that no detectable deviations from standard GR is observed on the Solar System scale. Here we consider two classes of f(R)f(R) theories able to pass Solar System tests and investigate their viability on cosmological scales. To this end, we fit the theories to a large dataset including the combined Hubble diagram of Type Ia Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts, the Hubble parameter H(z)H(z) data from passively evolving red galaxies, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations extracted from the seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the distance priors from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe seven years (WMAP7) data. We find that both classes of f(R)f(R) fit very well this large dataset with the present\,-\,day values of the matter density, Hubble constant and deceleration parameter in agreement with previous estimates; however, the strong degeneracy among the f(R)f(R) parameters prevents us from strongly constraining their values. We also derive the growth factor g=dlnδ/dlnag = d\ln{\delta}/d\ln{a}, with δ=δρM/ρM\delta = \delta \rho_M/\rho_M the matter density perturbation, and show that it can still be well approximated by g(z)ΩM(z)γg(z) \propto \Omega_M(z)^{\gamma}. We finally constrain γ\gamma (on some representative scales) and investigate its redshift dependence to see whether future data can discriminate between these classes of f(R)f(R) theories and standard dark energy models.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication on JCAP. Note that this paper updates and supersedes preprint arXiv:0907.468